The Weber-Morgan Is Moving To A New Health System

The Weber-Morgan Is Moving To A New Health System

The group of people who are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination shots is growing, and the Weber Morgan Health Department will be moving to a whole new system for registering people for shots.

The Weber-Morgan Is Moving To A New Health System

During this time, the McKay-Dee Hospital in the Ogden and many other Intermountain Healthcare hospitals systems has started offering COVID-19 inoculations and bolstering the efforts to vaccinate as much as and as quickly as possible to the individuals.

The Weber-Morgan Is Moving To A New Health System

Lori Buttars, who is the spokesperson for Weber Morgan Health Department, can not say the duration when everyone will get a shot who wants it. This depends, in part, on the vaccine production levels, that have been growing & is expected to keep increasing. But this infrastructure for vaccinating others continues to expand & this interest is strong.

Buttars said that the response which they are getting from the community is very enthusiastic for them. They feel quite good about such community participation. Buttars added that he feels like they have hit a rhythm.

From Monday onwards, this pool of people in Utah’s priority list for vaccination shots expands for those who are 65 and older to the people who are at 50 and above as per the announcement on Thursday by Gov. Spencer Cox. Buttars. He estimates that the people who are 70% of those who are above 70 and up age group might have been vaccinated in the Morgan and Weber counties. They are feeling really good about it and the dent in Covid-19 graphs they have made, she said.

As the numbers eligible for the people grow for the vaccination, the health department now has been transferring the online appointments and making such functions for those who want the shots to a website that is run by the state of Utah. It is accessible through another link on the Weber Morgan Health Department website. Clicking into the site, that is used by the San Juan County and Salt Lake County health departments, would be useful in preventing any sort of technical issues which had occurred when an old Weber Morgan Health Department’s online vaccination registration system had crashed in the late January after the surge in the number of people who tried to register on it all at once.

What’s more, who are seeking vaccination shots would be able to directly register and sign up for the appointments at the Utah government’s website. This is the replacement system that was launched after the Weber Morgan Health Department’s system has crashed last January. People who are seeking appointments need to put their names on the waiting list and pick up an appointment date later when it opens.

The Intermountain Healthcare spokesperson, Lance Madigan, said that 7 hospitals in this system that included McKay-Dee, had started offering vaccinations on Thursday. The State officials had announced the last Monday that the Nomi Health and Intermountain University of Utah Health System would have started aiding with the vaccinations as this state started getting much more vaccine doses.

The Intermountain system has received over 13,000 vaccine shots of the Johnson & Johnson company for many planned clinics at the 7 Intermountain facilities this Thursday and Friday and another batch is set to arrive on Monday. Many more will be coming in the days to come. One can register at the Intermountain system’s website for getting vaccinated at the Intermountain facility.

In the meantime, the Buttars had said that these efforts are in works that will help in recruiting more entities to aid with the vaccination efforts in Morgan and Weber counties. This will help in vaccinations.