The 8th of March is International Women’s Day which is a day to memorialize all the women past and present who lead the fight for gender equality. These women’s actions speak volumes, they choose to be exemplary models in the world and practice what they stand for.
International Women’s Day: 5 Women That Have Led Us Through This Pandemic
Women’s Day is celebrated worldwide and is especially important this year with the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. This year the theme that the United Nations has set is – “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. The United Nations stated, “ Women stand at the front lines of the Covid 19 crisis, as health care workers, caregivers, innovators, community organizers and as some of the most exemplary and effective national leaders in combating the pandemic”.
According to the United Nations, “The crisis has highlighted both the centrality of their contributions and the disproportionate burdens that women carry”. The United Nations has noted the disparity in gender. Close to 60 % of women worldwide work informally, earn less, save less, and several risks of facing poverty.
The UN points out that women earn substantially less than men, 23 % to be exact. Women throughout history have worked through good times and bad to pave a better path for all. This year has been no different. Women have stepped up all over the world putting into practice the phrase ‘actions speak louder than words. Throughout the year, health care workers, policymakers, businesswomen, stay at home mothers have buckled down and worked for a smooth transition through every hurdle that the Coronavirus has caused.
Some of them have made a major impact on their community. A few who have dazzled us with their strength, determination, and brilliance through this pandemic are as follows.
Ngozi Okonjo- Iweala has now become the first African female to lead the World Trade Organization. The intelligence lady has served two terms as the Nigerian Finance Minister in the past. She has also worked with the World Bank for 25 years. She made her stand on vaccinating clear by declaring, “focusing on the immediate needs of dozens of poor countries that have yet to vaccinate a single person. People are dying in poor countries.”
Avesta Rastan
Avesta Rastan is a 25-year-old of Iranian and Canadian descent. Currently living in California, she has put her talent to good use by creating infographics to portray the effect that Covid 19 has on the body. She is a member of the Association of Medical Illustrators trained in the field of pathological illustrations which is the drawing of disease. The talented lady created an infographic on the Covid-19 virus that went viral.
Jacinda Ardern
The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern has played a monumental impact on allaying the effect of the Coronavirus. Her rapid response to the virus made New Zealand able to combat the virus effectively enough that there is no more a need for masks, social distancing, or lockdowns. She has also been an influential force in combating climate change, as well as providing free sanitary products for schools.
Amanda Gorman is a 22-year-old Harvard graduate. A poet laureate, Amanda Gorman recited a moving piece called ‘The Hill We Climb’ at President Joe Biden’s and Vice President Kamala Harris’ inauguration. Her poem’s theme dealt with the need for unity and healing in the nation. The poetess has even written a poem that honors Covid 19 heroes.
Bibi La Luz Gonzalez
Bibi La Luz Gonzalez is the founder of Eat Better Wa’ik, a nonprofit organization in Guatemala. Her organization is aimed at fighting malnutrition with the help of education and economics. Her concentration is focused on lower-income urban families. Gonzalez was named Hero of the Pandemic in Guatemala because of all her work on the Covid-19 food and nutrition response and recovery program where she and her organization delivered baskets of food to families in Guatemala.