Treating Covid-19 With Alternate Drugs

Treating Covid-19 With Alternate Drugs
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As the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 has stretched over the span of a year, we all are trying to adjust. Medicines, Vaccination drives all are in full swing so that we can live comfortably in a world where Covid-19 exists. Scientists and experts have put in all efforts to curb the damages done by Covid-19.

One such method adopted by health experts is the repurposing of drugs. Viagra or sildenafil used for treating high blood pressure was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1998. Another drug named Thalidomide was used back in the days to treat morning sickness, but later on, this drug resurfaced and was used in the treatment of leprosy and even cancer.

Treating Covid-19 With Alternate Drugs

As the pandemic hit last year, there was a panic situation. Hospitals were overwhelmed with patients and meds were in need.

Viral diseases such as Covid-19 cannot be treated with antibiotics, but they sure can subside the symptoms. Manufacturing vaccines, trials being done, was a long process that needed to be approved by the FDA. 

Treating Covid-19 With Alternate Drugs
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Dr. David Fajgenbaum, who works as an immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania says that “The advantage with repositioning of drugs is that they are already approved. Hence, all the tiring process of getting approval can be skipped and the drugs can be put to effect immediately when a crisis emerges.” He adds, “The drugs are tried and tested, so any side effect or to whom the drug should not be administered is well known.

It is not about curing the disease, Initially, it is all about subsiding the symptoms. More than 2,000 drugs are pre-approved by the FDA for at least one disease. The only thing health experts need to figure out is the right combination and doses.”

Recent studies have shown that drugs which can treat Heart enigma can be effective in curing Covid-19. But, this drug has been pulled from the market because of cardiac implications on the patients.

Many drugs have been tested and enzymes that act as fuel for the covid virus became less effective with the help of these drugs. The researchers are now going to try the effectiveness of these drugs on animals to establish their potency to treat the virus.

Texas A&M University’s research team says that a drug named Bepedril is the most effective among all the others, the study has proved that it works against the virus causing Covid-19.

Before the vaccination was developed several drugs like Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine which is used in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis was found effective in treating Covid-19.

Many pharmaceutical companies started manufacturing these meds on a large scale to meet the demands of the countries worst-hit by the pandemic. These drugs reduced the recovery time to 10-15 days.

Now apart from these medicines vaccines are available and are being administered to Americans. Recently, the FDA approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for usage in the United States.

Recent surveys have suggested that more than 10% of the American Adult Population has already been vaccinated, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has supported all these findings.  A record number of vaccines have been administered to one-tenth of the population.  

Three vaccines are now available in the United States which are from Pfizer, Moderna and the new addition is Johnson & Johnson. The fully vaccinated person does not need to isolate himself if he/she comes in contact with an infected person, says the CDC.