Study: Processed Meat Consumption to An Increased Risk Of Dementia

Study: Processed Meat Consumption to An Increased Risk Of Dementia

The consumption of a 25g helping of processed meat each day has been linked to a 44% raised risk of contracting the infection according to new research. You can limit your consumption of processed meats like bacon that can significantly raise your chance of dementia. According to a recent report consuming only one rasher of bacon per day can raise the risk of contracting the infection by 44%.

Processed Meat Consumption to An Increased Risk Of Dementia

The report results were released in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition under the title “Meat intake and risk of incident dementia” a cohort study of 493888 UK Biobank participants; using Information from 500,000 individuals, researchers from the Institution of Leeds; Nutritional Epidemiology Community discovered that eating a 25g of processed meat each day, equal to one rasher of bacon, is related to a 44% raised risk of contracting the infection.

Study: Processed Meat Consumption to An Increased Risk Of Dementia

Even so, meat-eaters should not despair: the researchers discovered that consuming some unpasteurized red meat, along with beef, pork, or veal, may protect against dementia, with individuals who ate 50g per day being 19% less likely to experience dementia.

The scientists wanted to see whether there was a correlation between meat-eating and dementia, which affects 5% to 8% of people over the age of 60 around the globe. The researchers looked at data from UK Bio-bank, a registry with detailed genetic and health details on half a million UK respondents from 40 to 69, to see if there were any links between eating various kinds of meat as well as the threat of dementia.

The information was gathered by the UK Biobank between 2006 and 2010 and showed how much respondents ate various types of meat, with six choices ranging from not even to once or even more every day. While the research did not directly examine the effect of a vegetarian-based diet on dementia risk, it could provide information from patients who said that they did not consume red meat. Across the course of a total of eight years of joining, 2,896 reports of dementia were discovered amongst these participants.

Such individuals were usually older, weaker, less qualified, most likely to smoke least actively fit more probable to have had a stroke or a personal background of dementia, and much more likely to be recipients of a gene linked to dementia. In the sample group, men were infected with dementia at a higher rate than females.

Produced meat eaters were also likely to become male less trained, smokers, fat or overweight eat fewer fruits and vegetables, and eat more energy calories, and fat (including saturated fat). Meat intake has been related to dementia threat in the past, but it is the first big study of respondents over time to look at a correlation among particular meat types and quantities and the chance of having the disease.

Globally, these are approximately 50 million dementia patients, with approximately 10 million cases reported each year. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 50% to 70% of cases, while vascular dementia accounts for 25%.

Both genetic and, social influences like dietary and exercise play a role in its growth and progress. According to Professor Cade “Something we could do to look into possible dementia threat causes will help us reduce the number of people who suffer from this devastating disease. This research is the first step to determine if how we eat has an impact on us.”