Busting Some Of The Most Popular Myths About Nutrition: Differentiating The Facts And The Fictions

Busting Some Of The Most Popular Myths About Nutrition: Differentiating The Facts And The Fictions

With the accessibility to the vast reserve of information on any subject, it is very difficult to gather and believe in information and news that may not always be true.

Even the professionals like nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors are at times responsible for spreading misinformation and confusion among the common people.

Busting Some Of The Most Popular Myths About Nutrition: Differentiating The Facts And The Fictions

Let us look at some of the widely circulated nutrition myths and bust them for a better understanding of the subject.

Busting Some Of The Most Popular Myths About Nutrition: Differentiating The Facts And The Fictions

Calories are not the only determining factor for bodyweight:

Burning calories and sticking to a calorie deficit diet are not the only criteria that matter when it comes to weight loss.

There is a large number of associate factors that influence the loss of weight for an individual, some of the factors are, hormonal imbalances, thyroid malfunction, side effects of certain medication, and genetics.

Not all high-fat content foods are unhealthy:

The belief that high-fat content food is not good for those who are trying to lose weight is gradually becoming irrelevant.

A person needs a certain amount of fat on daily basis to maintain good health. Consistent low fat and a poor quality diet can induce other health complications like issues with metabolism, insulin resistance, and an abnormal triglyceride level, all of which can cause heart diseases in anybody.

Recent studies suggest that diets high in fat are just as effective as diets low in fat in promoting weight loss.

Contradictory believes about breakfast:

This is a belief that has been in the pioneer circle of health or wellness for decades. For certain adults consuming a hearty breakfast may not mark the beginning of a healthy day.

Contrarily, by skipping breakfast one may cut down on calorie intake to some extent. Intermittent fasting, which can oftentimes refer to skipping breakfast or having it towards the later part of the day has shown to have many health benefits like, improved blood sugar level and reduced inflammation.

However, this is not something that can be followed by individuals with special nutrition needs like growing children, young adults, and pregnant women, since any disruption in the normal nutrition profile can lead to medical complications.

Small frequent meals throughout the day improve health:

Many people follow the practice of eating small meals spread out throughout the day with the hope that it will boost metabolism and promote weight loss and better health.

However, it is important to note that the overall health of a person, if good, is not impacted by the frequency of meals consumed.

On the other hand, people with medical conditions like diabetes, coronary artery disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and pregnant individuals can derive some health benefits from small frequent meals.

Low-fat diet foods are good for those trying to lose weight:

Nowadays the market is dominated by food products labeled as diet, low fat, zero-calorie, and light.

Experts are wary of such products and warn the population about the health hazards associated with them.

Such commercially prepared low-fat products contain much more quantities of sugar and salt than their normal fat content counterpart. Such added salt and sugar possess a number of health risks hence it is better to forego these and munch on the healthier alternatives like yogurt, peanut butter, and cheese.

Supplements are not always a waste of money:

The consumption of a well-balanced diet enriched with varieties of nutrients is the key to maintain good health and lose weight but health supplements can offer a number of health benefits when used in a correct way.

For example, health supplements containing magnesium and vitamin B can offer many benefits to individuals with type II diabetes.

The bottom line: Although myths and misinformation regarding nutrition are not easy to eliminate, educating oneself about the real facts can largely empower an individual to make healthy and sustainable choices for his health.