Who Is Eligible For Covid 19 Vaccine In New York


New York has made a lot of changes to the coronavirus vaccination program. More people are now eligible to receive the vaccine in the Phase the 1A and 1B categories.

In the first phase of the vaccination program, apart from the hospital and Healthcare workers, residents and staff working at Nursing Home, medical examiners, doctors, nurses, frontline workers, individuals administering covid-19 vaccines, pharmacist and several other members of the medical team are eligible to get covid-19 vaccines.

Who Is Eligible For Covid 19 Vaccine In New York

Other than the frontline health workers, the category also includes people above the age of 75 and first responders who usually interact with a lot of people on a daily basis. Next in line will be the public transit workers and public safety workers along with school staffers, teachers and child care providers. Priority is also given to bus drivers, grocery store workers and other people working and living in homeless Shelters.

Who Is Eligible For Covid 19 Vaccine In New York

The state has decided that vulnerable people should also be given priority along with Frontline health workers in the first phase of vaccination. In this manner, the spread of coronavirus across the state can be reduced to a large extent within a short duration of time.

New York city residents can now check if they are eligible to receive the vaccine through the dedicated website of the state. The Eligible residents can make an appointment at more than 100 public and private sites by getting in touch with the health department of the city. All the information is available in the official website of the health department and the residents can even book an appointment online to receive the covid-19 vaccine.

The websites provide easy access for residents to know if they are eligible to receive the vaccine. Apart from that, the online links can also be used to make an appointment by providing the required details. Users can also get to know about the vaccine provider in the neighbourhood by giving their address on the website.

The city has also launched a phone number to reserve a vaccine appointment and residents can dial 877-829-4692 in order to reserve an appointment to receive the covid-19 vaccine.

It is interesting to note that users also get a vaccination card and this will be helpful when they have to get the second dose of vaccine after the scheduled interval. Residents need not pay for the covid-19 vaccine and it is provided free of cost by the Federal government.

According to the health department people in the age group of 65 to 74 will be included in the next phase of vaccination program. In this category, priority will be given to those people who are suffering from underlying health conditions. Apart from that, other essential workers will also be vaccinated In this phase.

According to the estimation given by the health department, Phase 1C of the vaccination programme is likely to begin by the end of March 2021. When it comes to vaccinating the general public, the authorities expect that it is likely to begin in summer.

It is interesting to note that the state has made significant changes to the vaccination program. This will help them to provide vaccines to more numbers of people within a short interval of time. In recent weeks, the vaccine administration was not done in a proper manner across the country due to lack of clarity from the Federal government,

There are supply concerns at this stage and it is essential for the authorities to manage the distribution program in an organised manner to avoid shortage of vaccines for the second dose. The incoming administration has proposed a plan to release available vaccines in order to boost the pace of mass vaccinations across the country.