President Biden Doubles Up The Vaccine Efforts

President Biden Doubles Up The Vaccine Efforts

After a few months of all the planning, consultation and meetings which took place in most of the weekends of late October and winter there after, the chairman of the U.S. CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Committee of Advisory on these Immunization Practices has thought that the group would have a great framework in place.

President Biden Doubles Up The Vaccine Efforts

It was quite clear that from the start that the Covid-19 vaccine is bound to scare people at first, and after which it would act as some sort of the tiered allocation system.

President Biden Doubles Up The Vaccine Efforts

All the states would be distributing vaccines in some phases, at the places where people are more vulnerable as compared to the others, and ensuring that the health care workers are protected as early as possible so these frontline workers can, in turn, vaccinate people, treat and protect other patients.

This eventually came out in a way, with very few doses of Covid vaccine being available and these frail residents of the nursing homes, individuals who worked at these places, and health care workers. Next group was very carefully chosen by keeping an eye out to those who are most at this risk from the Covid-19 for health, occupational and age reasons.

Some of the states in the U.S. are moving to the phases of 1b, 1c and Phase 2, thus adding more and more people with these underlying frontlines, essential workers, conditions, and other such groups.

And it is March now, and mostly every state has either announced or abandoned these plans so they can approach more and more people for vaccination.

This is not what they are expecting as said by Romero, who is the secretary of the health department for Arkansas.

President Biden had joined his office in January, 2021 with an immediate promise of delivering more than 100 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccines to the American in a span of 100 days. On last Wednesday, he also has promised for reaching to the 200 million doses and with his staff have crowed the speed of this vaccine rollout.

200 million shots in a span of just hundred days this will be going at a very fast pace. No country in the world has vaccinated so many people so fast as said by Jeff Zients,  Coronavirus Response Coordinator of the White House in a conference on Friday. These efforts would also be coinciding for reaching the harder-to-reach communities across the country for keeping up the pace and ensuring fairness. The country is making progress.

Biden has already asked the states for opening vaccination to the public aged above 16 years by the first of May, and they are jostling to do the same weeks earlier.

While the White House health officials have said that they are continuing to focus on the people in most danger from this Covid-29 virus vaccinated faster, but in reality the main focus is on the numbers alone.

This is the problem from the starting. It has been a dominant attention on the number of the people getting vaccinated as said by Dr. Marcus Plescia, who is the chief medical officer for the ASTHO or Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.

There is only a single thing on which the states are being judged that is the quantity of the people who are being vaccinated at the present. States are really trying to be much more judicious, and thorough with some prioritized groups, plus they do not get any credit for this.

It is not very easy to enforce these priorities. People do complain about the line-jumpers, groups lobby. And it is difficult for the police that really shows up for getting immunized.