Mouth, Nose And Eyes: Common Entry Points For Coronavirus


The coronavirus most often gets into the body through one of these entry points- the mouth, nose, or eyes. In this regard, it is essential to cover the face with a mask as much as possible when you venture out in public places.

The CDC also initially did not understand all the ways in which coronavirus moved from one person to another, and they said that using masks was not necessary if you did not have symptoms.

Mouth, Nose, And Eyes: Common Entry Points For Coronavirus

At that stage, the availability of professional-grade masks was very less, and the authorities also worried that essential workers might not get enough supplies if everyone started using masks. For this reason, they said that people need to use masks only when they have symptoms. However, the availability of masks improved during May and the CDC revised the guidelines that everyone should wear masks in public places to protect themselves from the infection.

Mouth, Nose And Eyes: Common Entry Points For Coronavirus

Not many people still understand the importance of wearing masks. Let us try to understand how the coronavirus gets into the body. You will be surprised to know that you can stay away from infection even if you touch the virus with your hands. The only thing you should ensure is that the hands do not come in contact with your nose or mouse or eyes before you wash your hands. When the hands are carefully washed or sanitized properly, the virus dies, and it will not be able to infect the person. However, most people are not careful in this regard, and they frequently touch the nose or mouth with their hands. This can lead to transmission of the virus into the body, and it can start growing inside in a short duration of time.

It is natural for people to poke the nose or mouth as an instinct. In order to avoid contact between your hands and mouth or nose, a mask will be very effective. You can wear a mask when you venture outside, and this will help you to create a barrier between your hands and mouth region.

Apart from that, using a mask will also block the virus that can often become airborne when an infected person sneezes or coughs near you in a closed environment. If the person who is infected uses a mask when he is sneezing or coughing, it will block the virus from becoming airborne in an easy way. This is the best method to stop the spread of infection within the community.

When a professional-grade mask is not available, you can even use a homemade mask and cover your nose and mouth appropriately. Even though this does not offer the same protection as that of an N95 mask, you can still get protected to some extent from the virus. Many people do not pay attention to these simple things, and they get infected due to negligence. You need not worry about the virus spreading through cardboard or newspapers as the chances of the virus getting transmitted through these means are very rare.

Yet another thing you should be careful is to avoid close contact with other people in a closed environment. For this reason, it makes sense to avoid closed-door meetings. You should be careful in places like restaurants and bars as the virus can stay in the room for a long time due to lack of ventilation. The risk of transmission reduces by a huge margin in an outdoor environment when you practice social distancing and wear masks. If you want to stay safe from the virus, you need to wear a mask whenever you are outside and keep your hands sanitized before you touch your mouth.