Neglecting health diseases only because of nationality isn’t a good up-hold on the upcoming generation. Look at the health reimbursement that the United States has extended for the health cares of minorities in other countries. This provides a sigh of relief to fellow Americans to read that their family will now receive adequate health care with proper equipment soon. Approximately 24.9% of people from Jamaica in the USA send more than half of their payslip for appropriate medical health care, but they do not get it. Here are some steps that are taken for improving situations in the coming time.
Extending Medical Health Facilities To Cure Critical Diseases Of USA
- Raise of 75 million dollar fund for health and medical equipment.
For a long back, minorities from Sierra Leone are suffering from social injustice and racism, and the outbreak of pandemic has worsened the situation. People tend to ignore their concerns, and the government neglects this minority’s pain and suffering even without understanding what they face.
The direct relief has organised and raised funds with their long-time partner AbbVie, increasing medic access and reducing health-related problems.
The fund was raised for up to 5 years that means for the next five years it will give full support to all medical centre, health care centre, hospitals and easy access to equipment.
- Solving public and health emergencies with the help of technology – Jamaica
As the world grows day by day and environment-related problems also increase rapidly as an example of climate change and extreme population, the natural calamities occurring around the globe. The fire break at California’s San Bernardino Mountain is an example of this. In response to which direct relief coordinate with Harvard University and launch a technical model crisis ready, that will help make right and fast decisions related to any disaster. This will give information briefly so it will help to analyse the situation and administer in taking action. It will also help to educate and motivate people for environmental safety.
- Raising fund for medical equipment for new Sierra Leone.
As Sierra Leone’s situation is getting good and the health-related issues are also reducing day by Day Fund raised by direct relief. Now there is a new medical health center construction that will have a highly advanced medic and provided with seven nearby villages whose conditions are worse. The direct relief has raised 95000 dollars for medical equipment such as Walker, wheelchairs, machines, and other medicinal supplies. This will create an excellent chance for health upliftment in the society, and the surrounding area and health-related issues also reduced.
- Help Jamaica with giving 20 medical-grade refrigerators.
As Jamaica is a developing country, unlike other developed nations, its space is a little slow because of the lack of monetary support and lack of advancement in technology. The medical ground of Jamaica was also suffering from a lack of advanced equipment. Direct relief helped improve the condition with Jamaica’s health ministry, and investing in their cold-chain capacity for this immediate relief has been supported with 20 medical-grade-refrigerators that will help other surrounding islands.
It helps to store medicines and medication for different treatments like chemotherapy in a large quantity without spoilage.