Early Doubters Are More Willing To Get Covid Vaccines

Early Doubters Are More Willing To Get Covid Vaccines

There is a huge shift with regards to the mindset of people who doubted the efficiency of the covid-19 vaccine in the early days. According to the latest survey, more than 60% of Americans are now willing to get the vaccine as soon as it is available for them.

In the early months of the pandemic, many people believed that the covid-19 pandemic was a huge scam created by the pharma companies in order to sell the vaccines in the future. However, as the situation became clear that the pandemic was real and it was going beyond control, many people began to hope for a vaccine that will finally end the pandemic and all the troubles caused due to this situation. Once the vaccines were available in the market, few people expressed doubts about the safety and said that it might cause adverse reactions.

Early Doubters Are More Willing To Get Covid Vaccines

In the last few weeks, close to 2 million people have got vaccinated across the US, and only about seven cases of adverse reactions were seen among them. This is a huge boost for the mass vaccination program, and many people who had doubts about the safety of the vaccine are now convinced that the side effects happen only in rare cases. Even among the cases that reported adverse reactions to the covid-19 vaccines, most people suffered from other health issues or had a history of allergic reactions to vaccines.

Early Doubters Are More Willing To Get Covid Vaccines

Given this situation, it is safe to assume that the vaccine can be effectively used to control the pandemic in a majority of people. According to the latest survey reports, close to 70% of Americans were willing to take the vaccine. However, the authorities do not have enough supply at this stage, and it may take several months to vaccinate a majority of Americans.

The CDC experts have said that about 85% of the population needs to be vaccinated in order to reach the stage of herd immunity. Earlier, this figure was set around 70%. As things started changing dramatically over the last few months, the health experts now believe that it is a better option to have a target of 85% so that the chain can be completely broken and the pandemic can be brought under control.

The misinformation campaign that continues to run across social media has created a lot of doubts in the minds of the public about the safety of covid-19 scenes. Several measures were taken by the CDC and government authorities to boost the confidence of the public about the vaccines.

Noted personalities like Joe Biden, Pence, and Dr. Fauci took the vaccines in public view in order to send the message about the safety of the vaccines. In this way, Americans would get the message that the same vaccine that is given to the top brass of the White House will be given to them, and it can be safely used without any side effects.

As the number of cases continues to rise across the country, people are also becoming more cautious about the situation. According to the latest survey, close to 75% of Americans are now using masks when they are venturing out of the home. However, the situation with Travellers is not encouraging as people continue to travel in large numbers during the holiday season in spite of the warnings given by the CDC to stay at home.

Several essential workers from the police department and teaching community are now waiting in line to receive the vaccines. As of now, priority is given to Frontline health workers, and the other essential workers will be vaccinated in the second phase. This will begin in February when more doses are available in the market.