Which U.S. States And Territories Have Mask Mandates In Place?

Which U.S. States And Territories Have Mask Mandates In Place?

There are a host of theories on whether the mask needs to be worn after an individual has taken the entire vaccination dose. While some argue that with vaccination in place, the need to stay protected reduces as the body is immune to a coronavirus attack and will be able to fight the infection wit mild symptoms.

Which U.S. States And Territories Have Mask Mandates In Place?

However, this does not guarantee absolute protection against the virus. Further on, people who are vaccinated and may have contracted the virus should actually be wearing a mask more consciously to not spread the virus amongst local people. While all these theories are debates are doing the rounds, the Centres of Disease Control updated on May 13 its face-covering riddance to allow individuals having finished their vaccinations regimes to start undertaking normal activities without masks.

Which U.S. States And Territories Have Mask Mandates In Place?

However, the distance is open to state-wise and county-wise implementation, depending upon how the area has been experiencing the commonality of the pandemic. Different U.S. state and territories have studied the growth or diminishing of the pandemic and adopted the face-covering policy accordingly. The states which have adopted the Mask Mandate are as follows – 

  1. American Samoa – Mask to be worn in public buildings and in any public transportation. The islands see zero cases of Covid-19 so far. 
  2. California – Mask mandate requires people to wear face coverings when outside. Children below two years of age and certain health conditions are exempted. Businesses that allow mask-less entry are allowed, but people must carry a mask always with them. 
  3. Connecticut –People are required to wear a mask if they come in 6 feet of a non-household member or are traveling outdoors using public transport. 
  4. District of Columbia – Vaccinated people can wear masks only in places where it is needed, like public gatherings and transport. However, they can have outdoor mask-less gatherings amongst themselves and other unvaccinated people wearing a mask or indoors with vaccinated other people. 
  5. Guam – When congregating with persons who are not from the same household, people need to wear masks. The state also has a system for penalties or fines if the rules are not followed. 
  6. Hawaii – With multiple mask mandates in place, the state government has indicated that the outdoor mask mandate might be lifted, while the indoors mandate is to continue. It requires that anybody above the age of 5 years, including people with medical conditions, must wear a mask. 
  7. Illinois – People in public indoor places have to wear masks and people who are vaccinated can move mask-less outdoors and indoors. 
  8. Kentucky – The state allows vaccinated people to forego mask mandates indoors and children below five years of age are exempted from the mandate. 
  9. Massachusetts –State will announce that the mask mandate is to be withdrawn. However, it will be required in schools, hospitals, congregation care settings, and public transportation. 
  10. Michigan – Outdoors or indoors, masks are not required if you are vaccinated. Children aged 2-4 years are required to wear masks.   
  11. Nevada – They have announced to be following the CDC mandates wherein vaccinated people will be allowed to go mask-less indoors. 
  12. New Jersey – Masks are still mandatory in public transportation, in health care settings, child care settings, and long-term care facilities. The New Jersey government has the rule in place for any gathering where physical distancing is not possible. 
  13. New Mexico – In alignment with the CDC’s mask mandate, vaccinated individuals can go around indoors and outdoors without masks. Otherwise, the state’s fines and penalties would be levied on defaulters.  
  14. New York – In line with CDCs latest recommendations, the mask mandate has been tweaked in this state. 
  15. Ohio – This state has also kept its mask mandate in line with the CDC’s ruling. 
  16. Oregon – Vaccinated individuals can forego their masks in indoor places. The state follows the rule for mask-wearing for non-vaccinated individuals and for children above five years of age.  
  17. Pennsylvania – People from the same household who have not been vaccinated can get together indoors, while people who have been vaccinated can forego masks indoors and outdoors. 
  18. Puerto Rico – Face masks are required in all conditions and businesses and congregations. 
  19. Rhode Island – Mask not required outdoors where people can maintain minimum 3 kilometers distance. The mask mandate is currently also aligned with the CDC mandate. 
  20. U.S. Virgin Islands – Face coverings to be worn in the territory by everyone, whether indoor or outdoors, for anybody above the age of 2 years. 
  21. Vermont – Individuals are required to wear masks only in spaces where physical distancing is not possible. 
  22. Virginia – Mask mandate is for individuals above the age of 5 years. Vaccinated people can go without the mask both indoors and outdoors. 
  23. Washington – They are in line with the CDC’s mandate. 
  24. West Virginia – The mask mandate is in line with the CDC’s guideline, but the minimum age of applicability is nine years.