Altering Meal Times Cuts Down On Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes


A new study has suggested that changing mealtimes can have an impact on reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Apart from that, researchers are also evaluating if changing the time of eating food could also reduce risk factors related to obesity and cholesterol levels in the body. It is interesting to note that obesity and high cholesterol levels are often associated with the development of type 2 diabetes in many individuals.

The team of researchers planned to conduct the study on several participants along with their friends and family to analyze the impact of changes in eating habits and working conditions.

Altering Meal Times Cuts Down On Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

The participants will be selected from the age group between 18 to  65 years who have been identified as having a higher than usual risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The participants will be divided into different groups and the mealtimes will be altered differently for each group. Interestingly, one group will not be making any changes to their eating habits and this will be helpful to compare the results of altering the meal times to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Altering Meal Times Cuts Down On Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

The researchers will monitor the blood pressure and other parameters of the participants on a regular basis. They will also maintain a track on the social interactions and lifestyle of the participants to analyse if this has an impact on their health condition in the long run.

Researchers are not yet sure if changing the meal times to earlier in the day is beneficial or changing it later in the day is beneficial to reduce the risk associated with type 2 diabetes. For this reason, they have divided the participants into different groups and want to analyse the effect of changing the meal times to two different time intervals. In this way, they will be able to compare the results of altering the meal times to earlier or later in the day.

Generally speaking, most doctors suggest patients with obesity to avoid eating late in the night. This is because the body will not get enough time to digest the food and it can lead to excess weight gain within a short duration of time. Other than that, eating late in the night can also lead to lack of deep sleep which affects the repair mechanism of the body.

It is important to understand at this stage that having a healthy sleep is important to maintain the overall health of the body. When the body gets enough duration of deep sleep, it will be able to repair the damaged cells in a natural way and fight infection and other health issues in the long run. On the other hand, when the digestive system is still active during sleep, the body will not be able to go into a state of deep sleep and this can affect the overall health in many ways.

For this reason, doctors always suggest a gap of at least a few hours between eating the last meal and going to bed. In this manner, the body will be light when it goes to sleep and this can also improve the overall quality of the sleep.

This also helps the body to burn more calories in an effective manner. It is important to understand that the body will not be able to burn enough calories during sleep. However, in the active state, the body will be able to burn significantly more calories than when it is in the resting state. For this reason, it is beneficial to alter the meal times in the proper manner to suit the regular lifestyle of the patient.