Specialized Care For Covid Patients At Mason Healthcare

Specialized Care For Covid Patients At Mason Healthcare

Artisan Health defines as its objective serving and treating the local area with excellent patient-focused consideration. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this territorial medical care pioneer is meeting new and arising clinical requirements with another facility. 

Specialized Care For Covid Patients At Mason Healthcare

In January, Mason Health opened a COVID-19 treatment and care facility, known as Oakland Bay Primary Care. Situated at the previous Oakland Bay Pediatrics site, the facility is helpfully housed in a similar structure as the COVID-19 testing site, however, the structure has been renovated to take out wind current between the two. “We need to get debilitated patients far from the individuals who are not as wiped out to limit openness,” said Kelly North, facility director of Primary Care. “It appeared well and good to move these patients close to the COVID test site. It eliminates obstructions for patients who should be tried and makes a superior patient encounter and stream for our staff.” At the new facility, Mason Health’s essential consideration suppliers turn their timetables to determine and get patients to have COVID-19 manifestations. 

Specialized Care For Covid Patients At Mason Healthcare

The most effective method to arrange the off chance that a patient accepts they have side effects of COVID-19, the initial step is to call the Mason Health Respiratory Illness Triage Line at 360-427-3615. During this significant call, an emergency line medical attendant will decide if the patient ought to be seen at the COVID therapy facility. 

The emergency line is staffed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, yet a call twilight or on ends of the week will, in any case, be replied to by contracted administrations, and an arrangement at the facility can, in any case, be planned. If a patient calls to make a meeting with their essential consideration supplier and notices that they have COVID-19 side effects, the scheduler will likewise course them to the emergency line. Encountering a health-related crisis? Try not to delay. The Mason Health Emergency Department at Mason General Hospital is open every minute of every day. 

What’s in store at the center?

Upon landing in the treatment facility, park in the spaces assigned for the COVID-19 center. Call 360-427-3631 to check-in for the arrangement. On the off chance that emergency line nurture has discovered that a patient should be tried for COVID-19, they will be coordinated to the test site and should stop in the spaces assigned for COVID testing and call 360-427-4428 to check-in. 

All patients ought to stay in their vehicles until guided to a test room by Mason Health staff. Just a single patient is tried for COVID-19 all at once. Everybody should stay in their vehicle until in any case coordinated. This is aimed at ensuring no transmission happens during the hospital visit and that every patient is given maximum care at all times.

While at the facility, patients will find an assortment of administrations accessible under one rooftop. This implies patients don’t need to make a trip to Mason General Hospital or Mason Clinic. Directly at the new center, medical care suppliers can take X-beams, lab draws, blood societies, EKG tests, throat swabs for strep or RSV, pee investigation, glucose checks – and, obviously, test for COVID-19. “It’s an advantage to our patients that in the event that they are being seen for COVID side effects and they should be tried, they can complete everything simultaneously,” said Michele Tierney, head of Clinic Operations. “We attempted to make the COVID facility as vigorous as could really be expected.” Mediator administrations are additionally accessible at the new center, and suppliers can regard youngsters also. Care for the patients has been upgraded.