Arizona Becoming “Hot Spot Of The World.”


Arizona is now experiencing a surge within a surge according to several health experts. The state has now recorded the highest number of new covid cases in the US for three days in a row. Considering this situation, health experts are worried that Arizona is fast becoming the covid hot spot of the world.

The state is reeling under pressure due to an increasing number of cases, and several hospitals have run out of ICU beds in the last few days. Apart from that, there is a shortage of front line health workers to handle the huge inflow of covid patients.

Arizona Becoming “Hot Spot Of The World.”

Meanwhile, the number of deaths recorded on Thursday was more than 4000 across the US. The statistics indicate that one American is reported dead every 21 seconds due to coronavirus. The total number of cases are already close to 22 million and the last ten days have added close to 2 million cases.

Dr Fauci has said that the death toll is likely to rise in January and the daily death count due to covid 19 can go beyond 4000. Considering this situation, the total death count in January is likely to cross 100,000.

Already December was declared the deadliest month during the pandemic with more than 77000 deaths. Fauci has indicated that January will be worse than December in every aspect and there will be more hospitalizations and more deaths in the near future.

Arizona Becoming "Hot Spot Of The World."

In order to boost the vaccination program, North Carolina prison officials are considering offering prisoners who get vaccinated more visitations. Already more than 30 people have died in prison and nine inmates are currently hospitalized due to covid 19.

The recent surge in new covid 19 cases can be attributed to Christmas travel and gatherings. Millions of people traveled across the US during the Christmas holidays. According to estimates, more than 10 million people traveled by flights and millions by other means during the year-end holidays. The CDC had warned travelers to stay home during the year-end celebrations as the nation was already dealing with a surge in covid 19 cases.

However, most travelers ignored the warnings, and the nation is paying a huge price for the mistake of some people. The situation is so bad that more than 150 cases are reported every minute in the US. Some hospitals in California are left with no ICU beds, and they are not able to attend to emergency cases. The LA county officials had given guidelines to paramedics to not bring cardiac arrest patients to hospitals if the chances of survival are less.

According to the guidelines issued to paramedics, they should try to revive cardiac arrest patients for about 15 minutes. If there is no improvement in the situation, they should avoid bringing the patients to the hospitals as most hospitals are overcrowded with covid patients. The hospitals are not able to provide beds for emergency patients, and ambulance drivers are waiting outside hospitals for hours to get the patients admitted to the hospitals.

Meanwhile, the vaccine rollout program is going at a steady pace across the country. There is some improvement in the pace of vaccination in the last few days. According to experts, the federal authorities will be able to reach a figure of one million vaccinations per day in the next few weeks. At this stage, the federal government can vaccinate more than 100 million people in the next few months.

According to experts, the level of herd immunity can be reached once a majority of Americans receive the vaccine. Health experts feel that this is possible in the next eight months.