Coronavirus Variants In The US and WHO’s Optimistic Statement

Coronavirus Pandemic Causes Climate Of Anxiety And Changing Routines In America

With the new coronavirus variants appearing in different parts of the world and the emerging cases of covid-19 cases in the US due to the new variants, the United States is asking the residents to adapt to this new playing field.

As per the study till now, the federal Centers for diseases control and prevention, the new variants are transmitting relatively faster. But, if these new covid-19 variants are more severe or not is still unknown. 

With the widespread of the new variants, the question arises if the vaccines already developed for the earlier coronavirus variants will be effective on the new variants as well. It was found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has shown good results against the new covid-19 cases, though it is slightly less effective. 

Coronavirus Variants In The US and WHO’s Optimistic Statement

With the vaccine in hands, the experts are still warning to wear masks and maintain social distancing. 

The new variants that are found to be more contagious are the UK variant and the South African variant. If one sees the number of people impacted by these new variants, it seems that the UK variant has affected a lot of people in the State.

Coronavirus Variants In The US and WHO's Optimistic Statement

The States that have reported both UK and South African variant include Maryland, Minnesota and South Carolina. With many States engulfing with the new variants, there is still a ray of hope from the World Health Organization (WHO).

On Monday, WHO celebrated the declining cases of covid-19 infection globally. While cheering up the situation, WHO also asked the Governments not to relax their guards.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the number of covid-19 cases have fallen in a row since last three weeks. Mr. Tedros said in the press conference that though there are countries still reporting a rise in coronavirus cases, the data globally showed a decline, which is good news to cheer about. 

But he again warned the nations that such decline was also reported earlier that reversed afterwards. So, one should keep following the guidelines as it is. If one wants a positive result and a steady decline in the number of cases, individuals should practice all the necessary precautions and the nations should continue with their efforts to keep a check on the spread of the pandemic.

While talking about the new coronavirus variant, especially the South African variant, Mr. Tedros mentioned the concern of people. The efficacy of vaccines, and the severity of the variant are all in question. 

But with the statistics and the declining data of the cases at a global scale have given a positive outlook. According to Mr. Tedros, the statistics is indicative that even the spread of the new variant can be controlled. 

As per the data provided by the John Hopkins University, the covid-19 had taken as many as 100 million people in its grasp. It is reported that over 2.2 million people died due to the virus. 

While many countries including the US, the UK, Mexico and India, have shown a decline in the number of the covid-19 cases, there are countries which are still struggling with the rising cases of the coronavirus infection. France, Brazil, Indonesia and Italy are among the countries that are reporting an increase in the infection. 

University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation have given a coronavirus model cited widely by many experts in the field. As per the predictions of the coronavirus model, that the world is going to witness nearly 1 million more deaths by the fall of May due to covid-19. 

Although the vaccines have proved effective in controlling the spread of the virus, studies show that the efficacy is diminishing. This is the indication to the pharmaceutical industry to study and look for a booster dose. 

But focussing upon the good news that the cases are declining globally, one should keep following all the necessary guidelines recommended by WHO to keep a check on the virus and its new variants.