Tear In Artery Leads To Heart Attack: SCAD

Tear In Artery Leads To Heart Attack: SCAD

According to American Heart Association News reports, Last year in August, during the covidpandemic, a piece of news came of a 37-year-old woman named Sindi Mafu who had suffered a heart attack when she was doing the mere house chores. She has two children, a 4-year-old and a toddler. At first, she started sweating as she began to mop, and then suddenly, she felt pain in her chest and her arm from which she was holding the mop.

Tear In Artery Leads To Heart Attack: SCAD

Tear In Artery Leads To Heart Attack: SCAD

After a lot of struggle, the Emergency Medical team arrived and did an electrocardiogram, but nothing came of the results, so they just stated as normal Panic attack they are not ready to accept anything related to heart because she seems to be pretty young, and they left. Later the chest pain becomes worst, and they didn’t take any second thought and rush to the hospital, but as the covid pandemic was going on due to the protocol, only the patient was allowed to go to the emergency ward.

After the ECG was done, she was transferred to a private room where the staff not only studied her situation but also performed several tests. It stated some heart-related issues but being at such young age, doctors are not accepting it as a result, so they perform cardiac catheterization procedures (for taking a close view of the heart and check for any blockage). Later the cardiologist said that she suffered from SCAD, i.e., Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. It’s a condition where there is a tear in the artery lining, which causes the blood to pass through the innermost wall. Eventually, it causes blockage or makes the artery narrower, resulting in a heart attack.

In the case of Sindi, the tear occurred in her left descending artery as there was no specific treatment for this; the doctors left the tear because it will heal on its own with proper medical support. From the reports and study, SCAD (spontaneous coronary artery dissection) was declared as a rare and challenging condition that occurs when a cut or tear forms in the heart, which results in blockage and slows down the flow of blood, which causes the heart attack. It can also lead to sudden death due to abnormal heart rhythm. It mostly affects women than men. As it was a rare and new kind of condition with Very little information researchers, found thatSCAD can occur to people who don’t have the slightest bit of any heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. They found out from the cases that this Condition has somewhat link with hormonal changes, and in the case of women, there are a series of changes that can be seen, such as during pregnancy, postpartum during the menstrual cycle. And in Sindi’s case, she’s felt pain in her shoulder after having her son in April 2019, and after a few months, she also started developing pain in the chest, even her doctor stated that it’s normal, but eventually, after 6 months she experienced her first Heart attack. Chest pain, fluctuations in heartbeat, pain in the shoulder, arms, and jaw, sweating and extreme tiredness even doing usual work, felt nauseousness and dizziness, etc. if you are experiencing any of these and especially for women if they are experiencing such symptoms after delivery, menstrual, etc. should contact your doctor even if the results were clear, there is no waste in doing the check-up.